I attempted a blog about a year ago but was worried about lurkers and safety issues so I abandoned the entire idea. However, after being prodded by friends to start a blog and share my mundane stories, I decided to try again. Hence, the 'sead' has been planted once again.
Josie's vocabulary is often lagging behind her emerging ideas which is probably due to genetics. She told me recently after a trip to the coast, "I'd like to live near the sead so that I can play in the sand and run in the waves and see whales and find seashells every day. But, Mommy, I also want the mountains to be by the sead so I can find good sticks and climb trees and rocks while I listen to the sead." After a deep sigh, she wisely said, "I guess we can just do that tomorrow."
I often struggle with the idea that I want my life to be simple and honest but then I look around and quickly get caught up in comparing myself to others. In those moments, I wish for more financial security, or to live in the midwest, or to drive a car with 4 doors, or to have a larger vegetable garden, or to be thin and physically fit, or to have a successful marriage, or to live where the air is clean, or have clothing that's less than seven years old. Since all of those currently seem like 'pipe dreams' I quickly turn my eyes to see what I DO have: a healthy & lively daughter, emotional independence, a simple appreciation for the people I love and the things I enjoy, and TIME to think and reflect and to realize how fortunate I am. Like Josie, I can have all those other things 'tomorrow'...but for today, I'm just going to enjoy being Josie's mom and having the time to cherish our life as it is.
This is a great debut, Lori! I really enjoy your Josie stories and think you are a really good writer. Can't wait to read your next entry!
Lori!! This is very cool....now we'll be able to blog with one another whilst we're in Shetland! Great title too....Josie certainly does come out with some great comments on life...as do you!
Beautiful!!! I have been waiting, and WAITING for you to start writing... I can NOT wait to read all your entries.
Josieism's are wonderful and the best stories around.
Love your life & be proud of who you are and how you are raising you daughter. YOU are the best!
LOVE IT (the blog)
Your not alone I too sometimes get caught up in the whole comparisons and thoughts of the "perfect planned life" that didn't happen BUT we both have so much to thankful for (and I know u appreciate things even more then me) and with one in HIGH SCHOOL...enjoy every moment because time really does go so fast. I'm going to email you later to catch up. Can't wait to see more tidbits of your life in CA. Love Vicky
OK- this is going to be another challenge to an old brain... learning how to blog. I never knew you were such a good writer, Lori! This seems like a creative way to share photos & thoughts... I really must learn how to do this (maybe in September, when my house is empty!)
To love and to be loved, to spend days at the sead and in the mountains, what more does one need.
Great to see you blogging- I look forward to your adventures.
Thank you so much! Now I can learn from both you and Alexa!
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