I recently visited with colleagues at school and was asked how my summer is going. I smiled and said it's been quiet and calm since we didn't make our trek to the midwest to see extended family. In many ways, it feels like summer hasn't 'arrived' because it's been part of our summer routine to spend a couple of weeks traveling around Ohio, Indiana, & Michigan. Due to financial issues I made the choice to stay put in California this summer---first time since moving here 7 years ago. However, we did enjoy our summer in California---day trips to the coast, hikes in Sequoia NP, a camping trip with friends, learning to bowl, enjoying our garden's harvest, playing with friends, leisurely afternoons swimming, playing board games, visits to the library, time to read for pleasure, and a chance to save a little money.
There is something to be said for 'staycations'---they might not meet our expectations for adventure or family reunions, but it definitely gave me a chance to simply relax. So much of life seems to be about hurrying here/there/everywhere that I've come to appreciate those days when Josie says, "What are we gonna do today?" and I can respond with, "Whatever we want."
I've been concerned about friends who are struggling with life choices, moves, relationships, foreclosures and have wanted to help them in some way. I realized today that listening is the most supportive response I can offer. Summer has provided me with the time to simply listen. In the process of listening to others and trying to understand, I'm also learning new things about myself.
Fresno was not a place I 'chose' to live but it's become 'home' for me---not because of the scenery or the cultural activities or the climate---it's become 'home' due to the friends I've made, the 'family' that Josie and I have created, and the routines that make us feel connected to this place.
My life might not be exactly as I would arrange it if I had absolute control but being content is a choice. Our 'staycation' this summer has really helped me realize that I AM content. This has been one of the most relaxing summers I've had in a long time. I still feel sad that I didn't get to spend time with my family (like Josie said when we saw pictures of their 'reunions', "I was supposed to be in those pictures") but we're still having a great summer.
Sometimes our expectations lead us to disappointment when, in reality, we do have control over our own sense of contentment. I didn't lower my expectations, I'm just enjoying what 'IS'. And once again, I'm reminded that Health & Time are the two most valuable things.
Your writing is so peaceful--it produces calm in me.
Sounds like you've had the summer that you needed--one that allowed you to enjoy your Fresno "family" and to reflect. Two really good things. And, as one of the people that you've helped so much this summer, let me just say that I'm grateful that you are part of my California circle.
Wow, I wish I could bottle up all your peace & wisdom and bring some to Alaska... :) We are anything but up here, BUT we are getting closer everyday!
Thanks for sharing! J
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